Tuesday, March 13, 2012

MAHALO Party Photos

I would like to thank Lesley and Gabby for sending in the photos. Nice to have some of the memories to share. 
everyone arrives and spends some time catching up... so good to see so many
David opens the evening with some general announcements and takes the opportunity to thank everyone.
 da blog lady spends some time learning how to count ... oh no, gave an overview of the HMSRTO organization.
Diga the one arm bandit and Stacey enjoying themselves
 Dana and Dera pass out the certificate of appreciation to all the folks who participated in the pupping events of 2011 
volunteer cathy from camp irma 
zeeny from camp irma
Larry and Dera having way too much fun :-)
Half of Team Billand
Jan Dill 
 Colleen accepting special schofield award for running diamond head
 Jim and Kathy Brown for years of service, video taping and educating the school children 
 Team Billand for being unstoppable 
 And finally the award to Mr. & Mrs. Whisperer.... notably absent the seal whisperer. Let it be noted there were many blog readers who were looking forward to meeting the whisperer.... maybe next time

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