Monday, August 29, 2011

8-29-11 DB Dailies

The dawn patrol arrived at 0600 to find Irma & Pup snoozin' toward the east end of the site. There was a feed from 0717 til 0733. Diane reported a swim session from 0750 until 0920 in their swimming hole. Diane also reported another bout of the pup biting Mom, just as I'd seen yesterday. I got back for the last few minutes of that. They hauled out to the usual water front rock flats spot and snoozed until the rising tide and rising south swell, forced them up on to the sand. When I got back for the 1-4 shift, the waves were humonguous, and the rising tide force them up to past mid beach. At one point I had to use rope , cones and signs to have visitors walk up behind a dune and behind Base Camp Irma, because they were just too close to the fence. Naturally, about the time I got that done, they moved back down. I also had to replace 3 poles and redo the fencing on the west side of the cordon. The rising water was washing out the poles nearest the water. All appeared mellow as my shift ended. It is my understanding at the moment that the swell is supposed to get a reenforcement tomorrow, but I don't know that for a fact as of this writing. Irma and pup handled the rising water with no problems. Diane reported more biting episodes by the pup this morning.

I spoke with Brenda Becker at the office this morning, and it was unanimous amongst the science center folk. They all supported my thought that Irma's pup is a female, so it's official. I'm going with Ka Iwi as the name, since it is the birth site. So let it be let it be done ! THREE GIRLS born on Oahu 2011! 

The Rabbit Island cast for today consisted of the usual cast of late. I found Kolohe (RW22) and Duke (RA12) at 0828, and when I got back to Makai Pier at 1028 I found that Nani (RK60) and joined the boys, on the right side rocks at Seal Rock Inlet.

Team Billand checked in at 0840 to report RIP (RR70) and M&M (R020) once again together at Maili Point.  The Billands also made a surprise guest appearance at the AD site this afternoon. Barbara was going nuts with the camera. I'm looking forward to seeing what she got.

Karen Turner sent a shot of R5AY's girl at Turtle Bay today. The kid is a Porker !!

 Kolohe, Duke and Nani
 RIP and M+M @ Maili
 M+M likes using the rocks as a pillow
 Mr. RIP
 R5AY and Pup... she's looking mighty porky


Dana Jones said...

Yippee!! great shots of PO4, Ka Iwi, from Cindy Foncannon. Really big help to determine the sex.
GET OUT THE PINK ROPE!!!!! It's another girl. I don't EVEN want to think about 5 years from now. Yikes.

Barbara said...

Holy Smokes!! That pup looks like an older seal, her size is amazingly huge. Well, soon Mama will be on her way, and Pup will be fending for herself. I wish this site wasnt so far, would love to visit the seals there. Its easier to go see Irma and Ka Iwi at AD's. Both pups are just the sweetest treasures to watch. Nature is simply...Beautiful and Amazing. Nice shot Cindy!!!