Saturday, August 27, 2011

8-26-11 My Shift with Big Momma and PO4

Aloha good people,  I spent the afternoon shift with Irma and pup... I managed to get a couple of good shots in. Upon arrival they were in snooze mode, and I had a chance to chat with Carroll and some visitors... Of course while speaking to the visitors, mom and pup decided to go in for a swim... it was very cool to see this kid flapping around, the swim session was brief. Mom and pup hauled out very close to the perimeter, so I placed some signs and rope on the Makapuu side, and put a call into DB.  Shortly after he arrived with some gear so we expanded one side of the SPZ.  We'll see what they decide to do tomorrow.  ~da blog lady~
p.s. it was great to meet lynne and caryn, new volunteers and very happy people.  always a pleasure to share with new people.... their excitement is refreshing.

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