Saturday, January 29, 2011

1-28-11 Team Billand

Okay, I understand the V25 bleach mark... V being Kauai... and newly tagged 6fa/6fb.... but where did R018 come from?  I always thought that was her tag numbers.... All these numbers confuse me!

R018 - V25 bleach - 6FA/6FB
 Kermit @ white plains


Anonymous said...

Your confusion is totally understandable. This adult, male animal was first seen on Kauai in 2006. At that time he was given a "Temporary ID"number....Temp 402. Once he'd been seen around for a while he got a "Permanent ID" number...R018. This is not a tag. The number exists only on paper, somewhere in the NOAA office. Also know that he is not R "O" 18....he is R "Zero" 18, which is really confusing since there are "O" animals signifing birth in 2006. I hope that helps. DB

Donna said...

Hmmm so instead of DaVinci Code we have DaMonk Code.... If I ever decipher this code, I am going for the movie rights.

Hawaii Stella's said...

All these numbers and letters, which one is the little one that was found at sharks cove with the transmitter ripped off, remember him? R something or other?? Oh so confusion, common names help, except when it comes to Benny and Buster, then I get confused again.
Stacey Stella

Donna said...

Stacey that was little A50... and he's been seen on Molokai in the last month or so.... still cute and doing okay..

Diane and Val saw him in Dec. and he was way up in the rocks... he's like a little billy goat.