Saturday, January 1, 2011

1-1-11 True Confessions

Well..... I gotta confess after reviewing pictures of what I REALLY thought was RA20, that seal is actually RW20. Part of the W on the right dorsal flipper is faded and what remains looks like a A from a distance. I had done the trek alone and didn't take any unnecessary risks in rock climbing to get other shots. Thank goodness for zoom lenses to tell the real story. So sorry to get hopes up in thinking I found the Kauai seal RA20. Okay,whew now I starting with a clean slate for 2011....
Thank you Val for your honesty... but are you sure?  I enlarged the photo and I don't see a " W " .... looks like an " A " to me....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Val for the update on your W20 find. On a closer look the two legs of the "W" are missing the white. The small scar on the RHF is also a RW20 marker. Ya' Done Good ! DB