Friday, September 17, 2010

Dr. Charles picks up iMaka'iwi map-mail

Here is the track of Makaiwi for the last two weeks. She has been spending a LOT of time near Kaneohe. We currently only have two seals still calling starts the hard part, the analysis of this incredibly detailed and extensive dataset.
Thanks Dr. Charles... we've had many request to see what this young'en has been up to...  Interesting to see her exploring the windward side ( Maka'iwi your welcome at my beach any day)....   I will say I know Dr. Charles and team have a lot of work to do, and the maps will serve a greater purpose than informing all of us... but it has been (and continue to be) an amazing insight into the wonderful world of a monk seal.  Thank you for sharing and making all of us a part of this. 

Dive depths off of Kaneohe

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Yippee!! Thanks Doc, always wanted to check out Makaiwi's travels, simply AMAZING!! Not bad for a two year old. I feel very proud of her, just like my family, ya know? Look at how deep she went, lots of dives at Ewa Beach and Off Kaneohe area. Now if she could just explain, why she chose to go out there? Is she following an older seal, or is she just going on her own instincts that are born in her. Just what was recorded, deepest dive??? And just how far has this little one traveled in two weeks??? Hey, she was in Kailua Donna!!!