Tuesday, February 6, 2024

February 6, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:50 to 2:00 and there were six seals during that time.
Initially on the Lanikai side of LPB near water front rocks was an Unknown Adult: adult to sub-adult size, very light ventral and unsure about tags.
Initially up in the dunes near 1BS was Adult Female 1: adult to sub-adult size, with tannish yellow female belly, not sure about tags. She galumphed down to the UA and they spent the rest of the time next to each other. 
Initially alone near 3BS was Adult Female 2: adult size, tannish gray female belly and two red tags. She was soon joined by RK24 Bruno/Wawamalu.
RK24 was ID'd by his mottled lighter gray male belly, two red tags and scar on his right rear side. He pestered AF2 and she wasn't happy. RK24 and AF2 moved down the beach and entered the water about 1:40 pm.
RK24 was initially with two other seals between 3BS and SRI:
Sub-adult Female: smaller sub-adult size, light female belly and two red tags.
Juvenile Female: juvenile size, older coat, yellowish female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B got skunked today. They were out there searching but just didn't find any seals. There were lots of walking and checking from yoks to plains.
But not all was lost, they got see lots of whales. The humpbacks were out and putting on a show.
There were two pods, one was a companion pod, where there were more than four whales trying to get lucky.
Other pod was a cow, calf and escort, Mama, baby and dude.
There were lots of spouts, head lunges and fluke up dives. They did see breaching as well as the famous humpback arch.

Rabbit Island

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