Friday, February 2, 2024

February 2, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Tammy and Team R&B💕

Marilyn got a quick look at Rabbit Island due to the wind and surf she did not stay long.  She set up the scope for a few minutes did see two seals between the 3BS and SRI. She suspects they were the Unknown Adult and Juvenile Female that were there on Wednesday. 
Marilyn did not set up the camera so there are no photos from today.

Tammy was at Ka'ena Point with Lesley today.  They came across five seals today not to mention the Albatross chicks are hatching.
Their first find was R330 Squinty. Down the beach they saw another seal haul out. They ID'd RW02 PvKauai.  While watching the two of them rest peacefully, a third seal hauled out.  It turned out to be RL08 "BamBam Square pants" born on Kauai.
Out at the point they found RL47 Kamakana was on the coral. Then there was a seal relaxing in the water, they never saw it's gender but did see it had one tag. It is being reported as an Unidentified Unknown.

Team R&B started at the bay and spotted Miss Kala RH76. Her applied bleach N77 was visible and she was hauled up on her zen rock garden and settled in.  
Next was RH32 Kaale, who looks a little thinner than usual. He went up to Kala and the two of them went to sleep.
While watching over the two, an unleashed dog approached the area where Team R&B were and started barking at them. Standing still to not startle the dog, who is hapai and ready to pop.  They warned a man walking by about the dog. Eventually they snuck around and lost site of the pregnant dog.
They hung out for a bit to make sure the seals were okay, which allowed them to also see some whales.

Heading out and stopping at Kermits Reef, they found R407 Kawika. He was alone and looking good.
A plover flew over for a quick visit.  As they were taking photos a woman walked right up to R407. She does not appear to be anyone from NOAA or any other agency, just someone wanting to get her photo for social media.

Last stop at the cliffs, Team R&B were watching for whales. They didn't see any in this area but the waves were beautiful and there were some brave surfers out there.
They happen to look to the left and saw some movement, it was a seal! It took a little time getting up on the rocks filled with lots of driftwood.
There was RL70 Leina who had bulldozed her way through the driftwood, even tossed some in the air with her snout. She moved the driftwood over and made a bed, so cool to see her setting this all up.

Kala and Kaale

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