Monday, February 5, 2024

February 5, 2024 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:05 to 2:45 and there were seven seals during that time.
Initially in a group of three near the 1BS:
Unknown Adult 1: adult size, lighter ventral, unsure about sex, and unsure about tags. UA1 galumphed to the dune and spent time in a small cave just Lanikai side of the 1BS. UA1 later moved back down onto the beach.
Unknown Adult 2: large adult size, dark coat, unsure about sex or
Unknown Sub-adult: sub-adult size, light ventral, two tags and Marilyn suspects this is a female but could not confirm.
The UA2 and US moved over near the LPB surge channel, then the US apparently moved back closer to the 1BS.

There was another group of three seals on the beach near the 3BS:
Sub-Adult Female: sub-adult size, light female belly, unsure about tags.
Unknown Juvenile: juvenile size, older coat, two red tags, unsure about sex
Adult Male: adult size, mottle gray ventral, male belly, unsure about tags.

Between 3BS and SRI was an Adult Female: adult size, light tannish yellow female belly; not sure about tags. This seal moved up into the dunes for about an hour and then moved back down on the beach.

After leaving the pier Marilyn checked a few spots on her way home. 
From the blowhole she could see an SRA at Sandy Beach. She went to check it out and Gamma Gayle was there monitoring the SRA.
The seal turned out to be a Kauai Female RL28/L33. This is the first time Marilyn has seen this seal, she's small sub-adult size with tan female belly and her non-sequential tags. She has a major scar forward of her rear flippers. She has a superficial CC scar on her chest near her LFF. This girl was born in 2019 to Mama KC RK28.

Team R&B first stop at the bay, they found Miss Kala RH76.  She was alone, well the only seal. She did have company, a guy who loves to get too close and personal taking photos with his cell phone.

Next they headed off to Nimitz where they found Kawika R407. He was in his special spot alone and snoozing peacefully.  
There was a guy and his daughter walking his dog. Team R&B  asked them to keep their distance from the seal, and the guy had an incredibly crude and rude response. Thankfully in the end they didn't go near R407.  Talking with them the daughter mentioned they were looking for sea glass, so what did Team R&B do, they gave the kid a bag of sea glass.  The dad was especially surprised since he had been so rude.  Well sir maybe a little aloha will make you a better person the next time around.

At their next stop they were looking around, no whales, no dolphins and they did see one turtle. After
45 minutes or so they noticed a seal on the rocks. It was RH32 Kaale, who then entered the pond. He rolled about for a bit and then left heading in a westerly direction.

Last stop at the cliffs, they spotted a seal who was hidden in the rocks. It took them quite awhile to get a tag shot. Finally they see the number 44, and didn't recognize it. They waited to get more information and finally realized it was Lefty RG28 with his new tag G44.  Thankfully he had moved so they could see all of him.

Rabbit Island
RG28 G44

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