Sunday, August 14, 2022

08/14/2022 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:40 to 2:55 and there were two seals on island.
Furthest Lanikai direction on LPB in the water line was weaner Mahina RQ44. She was ID'd by her weaner size, tags and N1 applied bleach. She entered the water about 1:55 and then about 20 minutes later she was hauled out nearer to the 1BS on LPB/
Not far from RQ44 was RK37 Hui'a: subadult size, newer coat, light gray female belly, tow red tags and her NB on her lower right side.

Team R&B started their morning as they have several times. At the outfall RL20 was foraging, they
stayed until he left at 8 am.

Team R&B decided to treat themselves by going to visit Rocky and Koalani PO8. They have been avoiding it with all the drama going on. When they arrived Mom and Pup were well protected by the DLNR folks in the water and on shore, Volunteers out as well.  
Rocky and PO8 were at the waterline for a bit and then the pup entered the water first  and mom followed.  This kid has great natural bleach marks, on his hind flipper and on his foreflipper and a round bleach on his rump side.  Belly is getting lighter pretty soon there will be a giant grey weaner.

They got a call from Auntie, excited about two seals on shore. Team R&B hurried over, when they got there RH32 Kaale was with RL12 Aukai.  Both were just resting.  
Volunteer arrive and removed the ropes and signs, and put up signs from their organization. Then proceeded to make the zone smaller.  Team R&B left and as they were heading for the car, they got another call from Auntie who was upset. A third seal arrived and they were fighting.  They rushed back to the site, and RN14 Kalani was with Kaale and Aukai.  The boys were having a battle, lots of biting slapping and holding down.  Shame these two have been buddies, but not today when fighting over Aukai.  Then Aukai fought the boys, Kalani gave Kaale more bites and slaps and he just disappeared. 
All was calm again, so they left.

Then last stop at another west side location, they see RM31 Kai. He was alone resting on lower rocks.

Rabbit Island
Rocky RH58 and PO8 
Aukai & Kaale
Kalani and Kaale Battle
snorkeler approaching Kalani was told to get away
Aukai and the boys
RM31 Kai  

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