Friday, August 5, 2022

08/05/2022 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Tammy and team, Melody, and Team R&B💕.   Tammy and Melody's photos of Right Spot and PO9 are part 2 of the dailies.  Also I got an update from Marilyn that the unknown adult male she saw on Thursday was ID'd as RK36 by NOAA.  (4DJ Kauai Kolohe)

Team R&B started with a quick check at the outfall and saw one seal foraging. It turned out to be RL20 Kalua. They had to leave for an appointment. When they returned late on they found RL20 had hauled out on the rocks.  He was alone except for the masked boobie flying by.
While out searching they happen to scan to the right and spotted a seal hauling out. It was Kaale RH32, who hauled out flipped on his side and went into snooze mode. Unfortunately two legged beast discovered him... Such a shame.

At another west side location they spotted a little seal. At first they had a hard time Id'ing him, thinking it might be Pe'ekai. Finally the little bugga tossed his hind flippers in the air. They got the tag ID RP30 it was Puka.  Funny how this new generation of young'ens are all hanging out on the west side. They know Team R&B will look after them.

Team R&B got to experience something you don't see everyday. A couple of areas with Algae Blooms. From the cliffs they could see bright yellow flowers. 

They did the Ka'ena West trek and saw no seals out there.  That has to be to be the worse after hiking out in this heat. On their way out they spotted RL42 Leia. She was alone resting without any males pestering her.  
There were lots of fishing poles out there today.

unknown male from 8/4 is RK36
masked boobie passing by
Kaale RH32
Blooming Algae
lots of fishing poles

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