Wednesday, August 3, 2022

08/03/2022 Wednesday's Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:20 to 3:10 today and there were three seals on island today.

Weaner RQ76 Malama was at the pebble beach in Middle Cliff area. She entered the water within five minutes and Marilyn didn't see her until much later.
At 2:10, weaner PO7 Mahina hauled out about 40 feet Lanikai side of the 1BS, exactly where she was on Monday. Her tag on her LRF and applied N1 bleach were visible.

It wasn't until 2:50 that RQ76 Malama hauled out onto LPB about 70 feet from PO7. She galumphed up the beach and then went into snooze mode. She is considerably smaller than PO7.

Alone near the waterfront about 30 feet of the 3BS was R7AF who was identified by his applied N2 bleach, older coat, male belly and two red tags.  Marilyn had not knowingly seen him for quite awhile, so it was good to see and identify him.

Marilyn got a call from a friend about 5:40 after she has stopped viewing Rabbit Island. There was a monk seal hauled out, so Marilyn immediately jumped in the car and headed over. When she arrived at 5:55 there was a Unknown Male. Adult size, with CC scar on the left of mid dorsal, other small scars, a sandy male belly and no tags. It had an older coat with a fair amount of green around the rear flippers. 

Team R&B arrived at their first stop and spotted a lady on the rocks where seals normally haul out. She was having a very loud conversation with herself. Her slippers started to wash away so she went and got them. That is when RM31 Kai was making his way in. The woman stayed and RM31 was right in front of her. Eventually she saw Team R&B and she got her stuff and moved.

At another west side location they spotted a little green seal. There was RP30 Puka alone at seal inlet.
Next stop they finally found Mr. Kaale RH32 on the rocks. He was alone and hardly moved, probably because he ate too much, he's such a big boy.

Team R&B had looked all over for seal, it was a tough day not finding them at first. They even made the Ka'ena West trek and found no seals. Then on their drive home, they spotted a seal coming up so they pulled over. There was the beautiful female RL42 Leia. 

Rabbit Island
Unknown Male with no tags
M31 Kai
RP30 Puka
RH32 Kaale
RL42 Leia

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