Saturday, August 6, 2022

08/06/2022 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Team R&B started their with a surprise finding good ole Lefty RG28 so early in the morning. He has been spending so much time out at the Ka'ena side. He is looking big and battered but still quite healthy.

Next stop, there were lots of people out and about on shore and in the water. The place was jammed with paddle boards, swimmers, divers and snorkelers.
They spotted one seal, big boy Kaale RH32 hanging out on the rocks alone. Shortly after seeing him, he left and went to the outfall to forage.
While watching the king of the outfall they noticed another seal foraging. There was the prince of the outfall RL20 Kalua.  Junior Sealette and grandma noticed a turtle who had just three flippers. He seemed okay, was swimming and diving normally.
They had to leave so they didn't get to see if Kaale and Kalua hauled out at any time.

Team R&B returned to the west side location where Lefty had been. But he (Pohaku's boy) was no longer there.  But to the right was da green kid, little Puka RP30.

Last stop, again was packed with people. Wonder what it was about today, maybe just more visitors? Team R&B found RM31 Kai, snoozing alone on rocks. To Kai's right were several guys fishing and playing a guitar.  
Then Team R&B saw a shark!

Marilyn went to Ka'ena Point today and wasn't able to view Rabbit Island today.  Marilyn met up with Lesley, a friend Linda and Diane.  They saw four seals on their trek today. 
At 10 minute beach they found RL98 Lina who appears to have almost finished her molt. She has no tags, female belly and two short parallel line scars on her mid right side.

Later as they were approaching the main pool at the point, they saw RL74 Kami with another seal next to her. Just then a third seal entered the mail pool. The seal with Kami was RO40 Ka'ena. Ka'ena headed mid pool to meet up with arriving R330 Squinty. After some words Squinty moved around Ka'ena and headed for Kami. Ka'ena then left the pool. Squinty nuzzled up to Kami and all was quiet for awhile. 
Then about a half-hour later RO40 Ka'ena returned and Squinty immediately started vocalizing and Ka'ena left again and headed to a tide pool on the Mokuleia side of the runway.

RL74 Kami appears to have recently completed a molt and she was ID'd by her light female belly, CC scar on her belly and L75 tag.
R330 Squinty was ID'd by his cloudy left eye and the line scar on his forehead.

Lefty RG28
RH32 Kaale
RL20 Kalua
RP30 Puka
RM31 Kai
Ka'ena Point

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