Friday, December 21, 2018

12/21/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Today I had VERY special company to go out monitoring. Our long time friend Sean joined me. We had a lovely day and lots of catching up to do.
He told me a bit about the several months up on the North West Islands / French Frigate & the wild life. We spoke about our friends, you all know who you are !!! and he asked me to say HI to you ğŸ˜Š  (and why aren't there any pictures of Sean's handsome face?) lol
We were treated by whales blowing, breaching, tail slapping and more. Albatrosses flying everywhere.

In the seal world
Before we went out I went down very early to check a seal down at Camp Erdman Pt. It was RN58 "Luana"

Out at the point we found RN30 (M) on the reefs in the center of Main Pool.

There were fresh trails on Back Beach but we didn't see any other seal today.  More tomorrow🌺

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