At 1007 Kimo called from Blowhole to advise that an animal was briefly on the beach at Sandy Beach, but departed. There was no one there when I arrived. That was only the first chapter of the story. At 1258 Ocean Safety called to advise of an animal hauling out to the main beach, Sandys. When I arrived at 1310, the animal was once again, gone, however a witness said it had a N21 on the side. KoOlina Diane would later report an animal foraging at Blowhole. Another dollar on Buster.
At 1057 I finally found Kea (RN46) foraging in the tide pools just east of Crappy Cove, Sandy Beach. I would lose him at 1120.
At 1202 I found Duke (RA12) & Aukai (RL12) fronting 1BS on Rabbit Island.
At 1406 Marie reported that she had found Kea (RN46), newly hauled out, 150 yds east of the AD wall. Marie reported that he relocated 50 yds west at 1520. She redid the SPZ.
Team Billand called at 0730 to advise that they had spoken with a guy who saw what was probably Pohaku, by description, at Banyans.
Team Billand reported Makaiwi (R4DF) at KoOlina, at 0740.
At 0947 the Billands found Kolohe (RW22) at Electric Beach
Buster doing a swim by
Duke and Aukai Rabbit Island all to themselves....
Where's Kea?
Here I am
Kolohe at Electric Beach
Maka'iwi with a very green crusty tail
Resting on the rocks
Looking good!!!
Donna, Hello
I'm so glad to see that Maka'iwi is doing better.I was worried about her.This is my first time learning about her, I'm getting familiar with a lot of the other monk seals. Love their personalities Kea cracks me up.
I do have one question I have learned that once a pup is weaned the mother does not return but do they run into each other along the way and what do they do if anything.
I'll be looking forward to the next blog but I don't see it until the next day with the time difference. Talk to you later,
Aloha MadHatter....
To answer your question.... once Mom weans her pup, any maternal interaction is gone. I have been on the beach with Ewa Girl and her weaned pup, they can be 5 feet apart and there is no interaction.... and this only a few weeks after she was soooo intensely connected to this little one.
I have to admit this is something that has always left me scratching my head.... it just doesn't make sense but then again, I have also seen this happen in human relationships too. :-)
Hope you don't mind me chiming in... I've always thought this is part of nature. A monk seal mom has a 10-11 month gestation period so she has to move on, mate and get ready for the next year. Monk seal mom's stay close to their pups during the 5-7 weeks they are with them and don't eat much, if at all. After they wean their pups they need to fatten up and prepare for their yearly molt. Diane
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