Lesley and I spent the morning going back and forth between AD and the cove, on the Kea Quest. We happened to be together at the cove at 0940 when much to our surprise up popped Kea in the cove.Melanie's shift began as the chaos began. His arrival came at the same time that Irma & Benny relocated so Kea just moved into the already established SPZ, while the new one was being put up down the beach. Kea would remain snoozin’ on the water front rocks. This is his first recorded haul out to Crappy Cove, and his choice of location is just as Kaiwi chose 2 years ago to the east side of the cove. Diane Gabriel reported Kea entering the water at 1435. She followed him as he foraged on the west end of the cove. She said he briefly went outside to the west, but returned to the cove. Marilyn & I relieved Diane at 1600. We followed him as he moved to the tide pools east of the cove. Marilyn called at 1745 to advise that Kea had made it to the AD wall. After dodging several Ulua poles he successfully hauled out to the water front rocks, 75 yds east of the wall ate 1830.
At 1114 Ocean Safety called with the report of an animal at Sandy Beach. When I arrived at 1116 I found Buster (RV08) fronting the 4B life guard stand. I cordoned him off and he remains.
On my Rabbit Island check at 0744, and a subsequent check, I found Duke (RA12) , 60 ft left of 1BS, Aukai (RL12) at Rocky Right Beach, and an U/U , partially visible in Seal Rock Inlet.
Team Billand called at 0822 with the report of Makaiwi (R4DF) at Palm Grove, Campbell Industrial Park.
At 1426 the Billands reported Ewa Girl (RS00) at Wind Sock.
They called again at 1518 with the report of Haupu (RB24) at Maili, Guard Rails Beach.
If I didn't know better I would say this is the same photo of Buster as yesterday.... but it's not... just monk seals are very good a snoozing
Irma and Benny
I knew Benny's good behavior wouldn't last long
hmmmm this is Kaiwi trying to get some rest..... as far as what my thoughts are about this please scroll down a couple of post of Buster on eternity beach... pretty much says it all.
Kea... lol imitating a rock
and the majestic grand lady... Ewa Girl
Haupu's tags
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