Friday, July 7, 2023

July 7, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:55 to 2:55 and there were five seals on island.
On LPB there were three adult seals that did some changing of positions.
Initially furthest Lanikai side was an Unknown Adult: adult size, light tan yellow belly, not sure about sex or tags.
RK37 Huia was closest to the waterline and moved up and down the beach. RK27 appears to be about 65% molted; her entire ventral side is new and part way up her sides. It has been difficult to see her NB during her molt.
Initially further back on the beach was an Adult Female: adult size, tannish-yellow female belly and at least one red tag.

On the waterline near 1BS was a Weaner: weaner size, shape, color, light female belly and two red tags. She had a small NB on her right side, but the bleach mark seems more intense and smaller in size than RS34's so who knows????

At 1:18 Marilyn became aware that a juvenile seal had joined the weaner. Marilyn thinks the newcomer is a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, light tan female belly and two red tags. She nuzzled the weaner and then they both moved upshore and went into snooze mode.

Team R&B did an early check today as they are still having car troubles.
First seal they spotted was RG28 Lefty. He was alone at the water front rocks.
Second seal was RG32 and he was to the right.
Third seal was Lei Ola RH48. She came hauling up on the rocks alone. She was hiding from the males again today.
There was a couple observing the seals, so Team R&B filled them on each seal and their story. The couple was respectful.
They all got to see a boobie flying across the water probably looking for fish.

At another west side location they found R416. They were happy to see the little guy. He was alone resting on waterfront rocks. They had seen him in the morning but had a much better view on their second stop.

Rabbit Island

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