Thursday, July 6, 2023

July 6, 2023 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:55 to 2:45 and there were four seals on island.

Almost directly down from the 1BS were two seals:
Weaner A: weaner size, shape, coloration, two red tags and light female belly.
Adult Female:  adult size, brownish female belly and two red tags. This could be RH76 Kala, but Marilyn could not see her left side and neck scares. Weaner A followed A/F when she moved up and in the Lanikai direction. 

Starting out near SRI and then going into the water and hauling out at LPB was RK37 Huia: adult size, about 55% molted resulting in a medium gray ventral and two red tags. She is almost entirely molted on her ventral side.
Weaner A moved close to RK37 before she entered the water.

At about 1:10, Weaner B hauled out at RRB channel up onto the beach where she has been several times in the last week. Weaner B: weaner size, shape, color and light female belly.

Team R&B went out to all the usual area but there weren't any critters around.
Finally at one of the west side location they did find two seals !

At the seal inlet was Nalu R3CX. He was resting but kept looking around. They looked carefully and there is no sign of any hook or line. Double Hooray!  Looks like he tossed it.
The other seal was the curie R416. He was very well hidden, which is just fine!

Rabbit Island

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