Friday, July 14, 2023

July 14, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:10 to 3:00 pm and there were ultimately four seals and five humans on island during her observation.

Initially on LPB were an Adult Female and RK37 Huia. 
Adult Female: adult size, older coat, sandy tan female belly and unsure about tags.
RK37 Huia: adult size, new coat, tow red tags and nb on her lower right side. She appears to have lost a fair amount of weight while going through her molt. One wonders when she'll leave Rabbit Island.

At 2:35 one of the weaners hauled out to the A/F, Marilyn really not sure which weaner. The weaner was weaner size, shape and color. Marilyn didn't actually see any tags. The A/F did not seem to want to play with the kid.

About 1/3 of the way between 1BS and 2BS on the waterfront rocks was a Subadult Female: subadult size, light gray female belly and two red tags.
There were also 5 humans who arrived on 3 kayaks and a SUP. One of the people was the sam throw net fisherman Marilyn has previously seen on the island. The other four people went spearfishing. DOCARE was called and they saw the intruders, but unfortunately went off shift before the intruders returned to shore.

Team R&B got to the bay and saw two seals galumphing up on the rocks, and arguing. They were able to ID the lovely RH76 Kala with a big male RN04 Kainoa. They haven't seen Kalla for a while and seems she brought Kainoa back with her.
Needless to say Team R&B were thrilled to see them both!

Rabbit Island
Kainoa & Kala
RN04 Kainoa
RH76 Kala

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