I came home with a 10 seal day - 3 of them were U/U swim by's that I was able to ID after downloading the photos. Turns out I had an 8 seal day
Started of early with RL42 Leia & PO4 Kai D36 hours later on my way back from the point I checked on them again - If I can make it I'll go watch the sunset from there "with" them.
At Hidden Beach RW02 PVKauai was alone and sleeping peacefully - on my way back he had just left and there was a big group of people on the waterline.
At the point RL74 Kami was on reefs near the Runway - her favorite spot. I checked on her several times cause one of the swimmers went by to visit her. Only when I downloaded the photos I noticed she has a new CC bite on her neck (2nd one on the kid).
Photos were taken from far with zoom so I never got to see it in loco. Tammy and I will be out tomorrow early to check on her again. The wound is NOT life threatening and not as ugly as her first one.
Has I was approaching the Pt I saw a seal hauling out on outside reefs and galumph it's way to a tide pool inside the Main Pool. It was R330 Squinty. While there I saw him get 2 visits - both times it was RN04 Kainoa IDed by photos.
On Back Beach RL70 Leina was sleeping peacefully all the way up on the sand VERY visible. That's a good thing case hikers could see her before going down on the beach. It was a quiet day some she didn't get disturbed. She made it down near the waterline and a big seal showed up, although he didn't bark or be abrupt when she saw him she went back up the beach like a torpedo.
The visitor (U/U#3) turned out to be one of "my" boys: RK36 Kauai Kolohe. He hadn't been documented for a longtime so we (neighbor rocks included) were all happy to know he's well and healthy.
As I was leaving after checking the birds, Team T&D was arriving. We caught up some and I headed back.
At 10 Mnts Beach I found a freshly sandy hauled out RN04 Kainoa. More tomorrow

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