Thursday, May 7, 2020

05/07/2020 Thursday Stay-At-Home (45) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Finally got to fit in another break day yesterday but didn't miss going down to check on RL42 Leia & PO4 D14. Saw lots of sleeping and a couple of  nursing sessions.

This morning I started by checking on RL42 Leia & PO4 D15 they were in full swimming mode with PO4 doing mini dives. Then did a couple of other checks during the day.
At the point RN04 Kainoa was on the Runway with RO40 Ka'ena but keeping their distances. Kainoa was on his side so I wasn't able to take a good look at his CC bite. Hopefully he won't rub it again on the lava and tear it open. Both were in the same position hours later when I left.
I had a "who's you Daddy moment ?" while observing Kainoa. Had someone ever noticed the slightly white bleach line on his chest near a possible CC scar? Looks familiar right??.
RL74 Kami surprised me on my third check, I had not seen her then she moved, there's no doubt in my mind she was there all along but at a very unusual and new haul out spot.

I met Team T&D on my way out and they mentioned that R3CX had hauled out at the parking lot beach just as they started their hike out. When I arrived closer fishermen in the parking lot waved to me and pointed him out. After checking on him and confirming his ID I went around and stopped to talk story with the boys for a while.      More tomorrow ğŸŒº


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