Sunday, May 17, 2020

05/17/2020 Sunday Stay-At-Home (55) Monk Seal Dailies

Aloha Good People!  It was a hot beautiful day in the Hawaii nei, and there were lots of sighting today from our posse.

Marilyn spent about 2 hours viewing Rabbit Island. There were seven critters on island today with much moving around.  Knowing what it's like to get a handle on who is who by looking through a scope, Marilyn certainly put in a full day.
When she arrived there were four seals visible. On the rock flats at left point beach was RG32 id'd by male belly and applied N11 bleach. He was in the company of a UU adult size, lighter belly.
Then on left point beach was Mom (UF) and PO3 hidden behind her for the first hour.
On the rock flats next to seal rock inlet was UU#2 with a darker belly.

Around noontime a seal hauled out by the 2 critters on the rock flats. RG32 was not having it and let the critter know it was not welcomed. The new arrival was ID'd as RG28 "Lefty" by his CC scars on right should and right rear side, and lighter greenish male belly. There were a couple of clashes between Lefty and RG32 before Lefty decided to leave.

While all this action was taking place Marilyn became aware of a small seal on the rocks flats which she is pretty sure it was weaner PO1 "Kahukai".

Shortly after Lefty took off from the rock flats he hauled out to Mom and PO3. He went up and around Mom and then came back down behind her. PO3 finally showed its head looking at the visitor. When Mom became aware of Lefty she started moving her and the pup into the water. They hauled back out about 10 minutes later very close to Lefty. They had words, and Lefty moved back up the berm for a while and eventually moved back down.
Needless to say Marilyn had a full day and lots of images to sort through.

Tammy did an early morning hike with Lesley this morning and they stopped to check in on RL42 Leia and Kai PO4. The pup is getting big!
Their next find was a newly hauled out Luana RN58.  Later on their way back Luana had some company that turned out to be RN04 Kainoa. 
Out at the point they were skunked, so they went back and checked in on Mom & Pup.

Team Billand was on the road and went to visit with PO2 Nohea and Momma Kaiwi on the rocks. There is a zone set up for them to keep the public now on the beaches away. 
Kaiwi has her aunties and volunteers looking after her. Mom and pup were in the shallows where they spent most of their time. Finally Kaiwi came out with the larger waves and galumphed up on a sandy area to do a feeding.
Nohea PO2 is about 6 weeks old and should be on her own soon.

Team Billand's only other finds today were Kalani RN14 who was sleeping the day away in peace. He's back from his outer island vacation.

They also spotted R3CX Nalu resting up on the rocks alone. Waves were reaching him, just enough to move him a bit. His tags and left bleach mark on face and left shoulder scar were all visible.

RG28 Lefty & RG32 with UU#1 
 Lefty with Mom & PO3 
 RG32, UU and weaner PO1
 Mom & PO3 with RG32
 UU #2
PO4 - cutey
 RL42 and PO4
 Luana RN58 and RN04 Kainoa
Kaiwi and PO2  WOW this kid is huge
 Kaiwi RK96 

 bright white belly... 
RN14 Kalani
 R3CX Nalu

1 comment:

Karen said...

Have you committed to using "Kai" as the name for PO4 and not the official name of "Ikaika"? Two very different meanings.