Also at 0703 I found Kaiwi (RK96)&Kainoa (RN04) together at Right Middle Cliff on RI. They would got from a swim/play session, and returned to the same location to snooze away the rest of the day.
Upon my return to Makai Pier at 0838 I found that Aukai (RL12) had joined the cast. She was in snooze mode at Left Greenery, on RI.
He hadn’t been there on my 1445 check, but was there on the 1545 check, He being Kea (RN46) on his usual spot at Crappy Cove , Sandy Beach. He was still there at dark.
I got no other reports of critters today. Vera called only to say that she got skunked in the SW quadrant.
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