On the hike out landmarks on the beaches had been washed out, Hidden Beach turned into Washed Beach, the Big Cove looked like a bubbly bath/wash tub, the foam was being picked up by the wind and carried away.
The first surprise was upon arrival at Ka'ena Pt, and see the 1st albatross flying.... yuhuuu they're back. Then walking in see another, another here, and another there, over a dozen and more.
The pools, runway, and channels were all one big mass of water.

Out on the Main Beach (Nenele'a) RW08 "Kerby", RN58 "Luana", RO40 "Ka'ena" and RK36 Kauai "Kolohe" were snoozing and or moving around. Whenever they got to close to the waterline they'd get sucked in by the surges then they had to fight their way back to the beach.
A BIG group of 8th graders from Punahou, spending a couple of days at Camp Mokuleia hiked out to the point with monitors and chaperons. We had a good outreach and long Q&A sessions. A big mahalo goes out to Kaniela for doing an outstanding job with the group. It was a pleasure to hike back out with all of you.

On Mokuleia beaches I did 2 seal stops first R912 "Nihoa" who has just finished her molt and is looking beautiful.
Then the second one, when I was flagged down by the Airport Security that knows my car, and another surprise for the day RI37 "Bessie" was just hauling out. She is looking plump, happy and fairly green.
R912 Nihoa
RI37 "Bessie" good to see her around again
RK36 Kauai Kolohe
RN58 Luana
Kerby and Luana
Kerby making a big splash
Kerby Luana and Ka'ena this little munchin is sealing everyone with a kiss
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