At 0714 I found Kainoa (RN04) at 2BS on Rabbit Island. He would be gone on my 1045 recheck.
At 0717 on a pan I found a 10% molted Kaiwi (RK96) at Right Middle Cliff on Rabbit Island. On my 1052 recheck I found that she had been joined by Kolohe (RW22) and Duke (RA12).
Gayle called at 1354 with the report of Kea (RN46) newly arrived to Crappy Cove, Sandy Beach. I arrived at 1358 and cordoned him off. He remains.
At 0625 Team Billand called to advise that Linda Steton had reported Pohaku (RO28) at Secret Beach, KoOlina. The Billands confirmed the Pohaku ID at 1315. Their photos are depressing to see, and its routine behavior without volunteers
At 0748 they reported Kermit (R012) in foraging mode in the Nimitz Beach area.
AT 0904 they would report Ewa Girl (RS00) and Kermit at Wind Sock, at separate locations. Kermit would later move to a spot between the bunkers to the west of WSK. These shot too are a sad commentary on our fellow man.
At 0840 posse member Jen Christian called to advise that hubby Jeff and found and photographed Right Spot (R016), once again at MCBH.
I got an interesting bit of news from Cianna at 1225. She advised that yesterday, scuba divers reported having been in the company of Kekoa (RK72), off shore of Kewalo Basin. ID was by tag.
Buster and his adoring fans
Kea and his signature flipper
Kolohe Kaiwi and Duke
Right Spot showing off her signature white spot on her right side
Ka'ena and Kerby
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