It was another no Kea day.
At 0718 Team Billand reported Kermit (R012) at Wind Sock.
At 0827 they found M&M (R020) at Al’s Bench, Kalaeloa Campgrounds.
They discovered RIP (RR70) at Maili Point at 1018.
At 1057 they reported Kolohe (RW22) at Electric Beach.
Also at 1117 Dana reported an animal at Sunset Beach. Ilona responded and reported finding nobody at 1152.
The Billands made my day with a call at 1240 reporting my #3 son, Buster (RV08) with M&M at KCG. The boy has been MIA in the SE since 11-3-13.
La'akea at Turtle Bay
Karen mentioned how bit the wallows are for such a little one... she must dig in when she moves
Buster and MM
Buster boy
Madame MM
Today was a lazy sleepy day for Kermit
Kolohe looking all shiny and new with his new fur coat
Rip at Maili Point
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