Karen wanted to go out and see the Albatrosses before leaving to Florida.
Have a safe trip and come back fast, we'll be all waiting for you (nt. did you let R5AY "Honey Girl" know you won't be around so she is not to pup till next Summer?) You will be missed Karen.. see ya in the spring :-)
Kimo Lyman told me last night that they had seen a seal @ Mokuleia Beach Park when they went for an afternoon surf session. The seal entered the water as they arrived so no ID was possible.
This morning on my drive out I stopped @ all RB24 "Haupu" and RI37 "Bessie" favorite haul outs. I didn't find any of them or any trails.
Our first find was R912 " Nihoa" at Hidden Beach. She was still there when we came back, but now sharing the beach with some loud Rock & Roll playing from a car, and some folks swimming. Some outreach was done and we left hoping that she wouldn't be disturbed.
RO40 "Ka'ena" was hauled out on some reefs on the Runway - still very green, no molting cracks noticed
RN58 " Luana" was high up on some reefs between the Runway and the Main Beach - she must have hauled out at a high tide. She'll have some good exercise to get back into the water
RW02 was enjoying the Main Pool all by himself
RR70 "Rip" was on the waterline of Back Beach behind some rocks just enjoying the spray of bigger waves. He's also still very green.
Diane & Karen
some dude.... the angle of this shot.. i had to look twice, once I thought he was too close.
RN58 Luana
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