At 0709 I found what would prove to be Duke (RA12) at 3BS.
On my return to Makai Pier at 0912 I found that Kaiwi (RK96) & Kainoa (RN04) together, 80 ft right of 3BS.
At 0930 Aukai (RL12) hauled out to the water front rocks to the right of Seal Rock Inlet. She would be joined by RM38 at 1047.
Team Billand called at 0643 to advise that they had found Kermit (R012) foraging off shore of Nimitz Jetty. When last seen he was headed east. The Billands advised that they had received word that Kermit had hauled out to join Ewa Girl (RS00) at Wind Sock. She had arrived at WSK at 0733.
At 1349 the Billands reported Kolohe (RW22) & Benny (RE74) at Maili Point.
Also at 1349 they advised that one of their posse had called them with the report of RL42 at Ka’ena Point.
Despite lots of looking by Melanie, Marilyn, Gayle, Diane T and myself, today was yet another no Kea day.
Benny.... love the angle of this shot.... makes him look like he has a fat butt.
Ewa Girl being joined by kermit
Ewa Girl being all cute with Kermit
pretty lady
kermit and little friend
Right Spot
Great shot! Were you saying something?
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