At 0746 , from Makai Pier, I found Kainoa (RN04) at 3BS on RI.
Gayle called at 1129 with the report of Kaiwi (RK96) at Buster Flats. She had not been there on my earlier checks.
Team Billand checked in at 0629 with the report of Makaiwi (R4DF) fronting #1706, White Plains.
At 1030 the Billands found Kolohe (RW22) at Maili Point.
At 1213 they called with the report of RL42 on the beach, at the entrance to Yokes.
Barbara did the Ka’ena Point trek today. At 1310 she reported Ka’ena (RO40), Kerby (RW08), RIP (RR70) & RW02, all on the main beach at KP. She also found Luana (RN58) on the back beach. Docare responded to an Anonymous, harassment call. When he arrived he found no harassers , and no anonymous. hmmmm too bad this wasn't one of those times when we REALLY needed DOCARE.... hope this wasn't a frivolous call.
At 1700 Barbara called to advise that Buster (RV08) was hauling out to join Makaiwi at White Plains. My boy stopped by Sandy Beach for just a day, before heading back to the west.
Kaiwi at Buster Flats
Ka'ena, Kerby, Rip and RW02
the boyz club
Luana hanging out with the boyz
RW02 and Kerby
DOCARE... hmmm little toothpicks sticking up from the sand...
Kolohe and his little bleach mark
seems like there has been a lot of runny noses lately
Buster and Maka'iwi
dam him... now I have a snotty nose!
I wonder if anonymous ever heard the story of the boy who called wolf. A cautionary tale... Diane
What a day it was, 10 gorgeous animals to find.
Our mission find Kermit, who we never found. We tried all day.
So we got Makaiwi at Plains, M and M at Kalaeloa, on to Maili with Kolohe.
Still no kermit.
So then we went to Yoks, there was that sweet little girl L42 snoozin away, alone on the rocks.
Well, should we go to Kaena Pt, NAH. Just the 20 min walk.
There was no one home at the 20 min walk, and just then, as I was gonna go back to the car, got a phone call someone says, the pup there is being HARASSED!! Oh no, I better go check..even if I got a long ways to go, I made it To Kaena Pt in record time...I can not stand folks who like to Harass ANY SEAL, especially a pup.
Got there, I saw lots of folks, but no Harassment. I studied each person coming out of the point..seeing some maybe SUSPECTS. But I never saw anyone at the seals. I did see Z sitting out there, so she may have seen something.
FIVE SEALS AT THE POINT..Back Beach Little Luana, in a stick zone SOMEONE made. Good.
Then there was Kerby on the rocks, with Kaena, Rip moved back up away from them.
And the next seal was hauling in, it took me a while to id that one seal. And he finally gave me a tag, RW02 newly molted. RW02 fought with Kerby...He made it up on the rocks briefly, but stayed in the water mostly. Everyone left..Just Z and I there, gazing at the seals, taking a gazillion shots.
I got up went to look on the other end of point,was too tired to hunt anymore, went back for one last shot of the four seals when an Officer of DNLR appeared, out of breath..asking me..WHATS GOING ON HERE??? WHO IS HARASSING THE MONK SEALS. I said, I havent seen anyone at the seals while I was here...but I got the call from the office saying, A woman called and said people were harassing the seals. I tried my best to get out here...but I never saw a HARASSMENT.
I showed him the five seals, Luana the pup ok, near the rock wall area, snoozing.
I told the officer there may have been someone who saw what happened, but I dont see her now. SHe was JUST HERE.
Any ways, we all left site, were late to check on Makaiwi, so I called Diane T. if she could do me a favor, CHECK ON MAKAIWI. She was at work, but ok, she'll go.
Makaiwi is a mover, and Diane called to say, she was 10 ft of the sign. I asked Diane to move the sign back, she did.
We were parking at Plains at 5pm, Diane calls, BARBARA ANOTHER SEAL COMING IN.
We parked, ran over to find Makaiwi snoozing, but BUSTER RV08, sneaking up on her. SHe jumped in the air, tossing her body about,Buster excited, jumped at her, biting her. I was worried for Makaiwi, she is still healing from her wounds. BUT THE MAKAIWI WAS FANTASTIC and FURIOUS, SHE FOUGHT BACK, charged at Buster..THE FIGHT WAS ON. FOLKS CAME FROM ALL THE WAY DOWN THE BEACH RUNNING...We blocked them off.
In the end, Makaiwi made it all the way up on shore, Buster following. Makaiwi barking at him..Mouth fully opened..SHE Was telling Buster..GET THE ..... out of my face A...H....!!
Ok, we're tired after a very long day, 6:15pm...we left area for the day. HOLY CRAP..what an ending to a full day..AWESOME...10 seals. Many miles, lots of walking and lots of shots to go through..
I still wish they had caught the dam idiots who harassed Miss Luana...SHAME ON THEM. NO RESPECT.
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