Sunday, July 25, 2010

7/25/2010 Ka'ena Point and More....

 This story has been in the news the last couple of days about the abuses to the area and seeking greater protection for Ka'ena Point .... This is not about the monk seals, but it certainly will benefit them. If anybody is the the area and has the time I encourage you to attend.  I personally want to attend, but I will have to see how much energy I have...  Anyone who does attend I would love your feedback about the meeting, feel free to email me...

 There will be a meeting about Ka'ena Point at the Haleiwa Elementary School Tuesday 7/27/2010 (I think at 6pm) or take the survey at the end of the article.

Ka'ena and T15M photos by team Kenyon
T15M aka Sharkbite

1 comment:

Keith Kenyon said...

Thanks for posting that article. Mokuleia side is a sad site to see. Lat month, we had talked with a young lady who was attempting to save a rare species of tree. Apparently, that tree was found primarily in the Mokuleia area... it had been torn up by a 4-wheel drive vehicle. I'm hardly a "tree-hugger" but think it's pretty assanine to waste an ecosystem just for an hour or so of jollies.
