Saturday, July 24, 2010

7/24/2010 Billand Report

Hi Donna, Ous sensei had an engagement and we have to send our story to you today. Here goes....

7:25am Plains witlh no animals this morning...YIPPEE!!!!!!!!! No room for a monk seal out there, not on weekends.

7:40am Windsock..No seals, large wallows from Kermit, maybe he overnighted. Removed our signs from yesterday.

7:48am Nimitz Cots...No seals there. Just fishermen.

8:00am Nimitz Jetty/Cove...Nothing ...BUT we saw a seal on the reef at Nimitz Pavilion...we raced to it.

8:05am Nimitz Pavilion 1813 A Fat seal, snoozing on the reef...It was good ole Kermit. He was just fine...for now. NOt too many folks out yet. Placed 10 signs with 180 ft. of rope. Made it big so people would get the idea, stay away, no fishing here please...Seal on reef. Then party goers at all three pavilions started we talked to as many folks and all seemed respectful. Some kids played with the ropes as usual...I really dont know why they do this...but they do it all the time. Two Navy Military Police are passing, we flag them down to make them aware of Kermit. One on a quad one in a sedan. They made their report to office. Both mentioned they didnt even see the seal there earlier on their rounds.

We realize this place needs monitoring and outreach..but we need to do other searches. We notify Dana Jones. She said she would call Rachel Diaz. We said thanks and stayed a bit more then left for other beaches. All was good with Kermit.

9:41am Iriquios Pt with 4DJ, snoozing along the rocks nicely. Roped off by the guys out there. Lots of visiting dogs, most on leashes. 4DJ just wouldnt roll over, he stayed in the same position for one hour without budging.. We left him as he was ok.

10:45a Leave Iriquios...

11:00am Dropped by to check on Kermit, well...just as we thought..lots of kids out visiting the seal, who was getting hit with waves, trying to move up. Kids and adults clapping loudly to make Kermit react. We ask nicely dont do that cause the seal is getting disturbed and all he wants to do is sleep. Please let him be. He is harmless. Ok, that group moves on, next set of idiots, same thing, more yelling, seal lion sounds, pulling ropes. Stop that!! Respect our seal, he means no harm to YOU. Next group...Oh this one thinks he is so smart to act like a seal lion, OH COOL, SEAL IS MOVING and RESPONDING TO THE CALLS. More Clapping more yelling. We advise again. Rob wants to leave for a we leave the whole family at the sand cliff are yelling loudly again....Rob charges back...Hey, you guys, Knock it off, the seal is resting, he is an Endangered Seal, protected by law, you are harrassing the seal. Is this your kids??? Make them respect the seal, let it be. The family says...OK.

11:50am Rob and I leave. With furious thoughts...They will go right back as soon as we leave.

Dana calls us back, says Rachel Dias will be coming to monitor Kermit. GREAT!!!

2:30pm Rachel calls with report of seal, Kermit, leaving due to waves, off to Plains way . Takes ropes to Lifeguard station at Plains.
3:00pm Kermit tries to haul up at Plains at Tower one. Rachel hears call on radio, goes to see PEOPLE RUSHING OVER TO KERMIT WITH CAMERAS!!! She does her best to ward off the dummies, but the seal is spooked and leaves for another haul out, same thing, no one listening. Seal goes under fence at Plains, then leaves....
3:40pm We arrive at White Plains, with Lifeguard Bryan who is angry at the Plains folks for not listening. I hear a report, seal at point, I grabb two signs, run down to Cottages at Plains. 1943. I see a seal hauling up shore to the greenery. I thought it was Kermit, but as I got closer, there wasnt any transmitter on animal. I ID animal as ROCKY RH58. Notify Dera and DB and Rob. I placed my two signs, Rob comes with more signs. Rocky settles near the path, she may just go up the path...its what she does all the time in that area. Especially if the tide is high and it was. After signing Rocky, I made my way towards the camp grounds...all the way to Surf School...but, no other seals seen.

Recheck Windsock, Nimitz Jetty, Cove and Cottages with no seal. But just as we were going to leave we spotted a black thing, about 4 ft. long. We watched it coming towards cottages..watched for 20 minutes to discover, it was a BLACK BAGGIE!!!

4:45pm We called it a day. Left Rocky with our signs WITH NO ROPES FOR FEAR OF ENTANGLEMENT. Day is done. Tomorrow we'll do it all over AGAIN!!!!!!! No Makaiwi today...good thing, too many dummies out there.


PS. THanks Rachel Diaz for your HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry you experienced the people who dont care about MONK SEALS...but there are respectalbe ones too...weekends are tough. God bless.....

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