Saturday, November 7, 2009

DB Post Saturday 11.07.09

When I departed home this morning , there was no doubt in my mind how my day would begin. Sure enough therrrrre was Right Spot waiting for me at the east end of Sandy Beach at 0616. I got her cordoned off and between myself, my wife, da' Grasshoppa' (Mona), and Leslie, we kept track of her all day. She was still there at 1500, and I will recheck her again after typing up the dailies.

My first look at Rabbit Island was a bust, however when I got back to Makai Pier at 0856 I found Mikala to the left of 1BS, and Buster just moving down out of the grass at the right end of the beach. He had probably been there earlier, but totally invisible up in the tall grass clumps. His D#6 molt is 70 %.

At 1226 on a routine pan I found an animal along side Mikala. It would take some time but it would prove to be M38. He was being his usual aggressive self when I saw him. He was in the process of log rolling Mikala into the water. She would give him the slip at 1235, hauling out to the rock flats at the extreme left end of RI. M38 did not follow. At 1242, M38 hauled out 20 ft left of 1BS, and remained there the rest of the day. He had last been reported on Molokai, by Val, on 10-26-09. His last Rabbit Island visit had been on 10-16-09.

At 1024 Team Billand called from Vegas reporting that they had a 3rd hand account of an animal at White Plains today. I have no ID information. There should be a law against the Billands being allowed to leave the island.

When I got to Sandy Beach at 1706, Right Spot was gone. There were no witnesses, but the cordoned area was clean so I presume she left of her own volition.

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