Sunday, June 3, 2018

6/3/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: (part 2) Lesley's "mini" Update

Reports of a busy morning down at the pup sites came were rolling in today.
I went down to the playpens at sunset Rl42 "Leia" & PO5 "Napua" D30 were sleeping on their favorite reef. I didn't see them for a day and little one looks like a cigar (I know not flattering but true).
"Luana" & PO4 "Puna" D36 were also sleeping. Little Puna was partially visible laying with his belly up behind mom. He's showing lots of white spots were his black fur has already shed and mom "Luana" is starting to show her curves.  Aloha ğŸŒº

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