Tammy told me to blow in the connection's hole and it worked !!! Battery was charged and I'm back to "work" (I wonder if this is in the technicians trouble shooting guide :-)
I checked on the weaners before heading out to the point with Matt and some volunteers.
RK40 Napua (F) D56 was in the water foraging than swam towards the favorite Left Cove.

RK88 Puna (M) D62 was rolling in very shallow water on the Right side of the beach.
Stopped at Hidden Beach to drop of team, the sand has shifted and the tide was very low, I stretched my neck and saw a shinny hump.
RW02 "PVKauai" (M) was hauled out in a very deep sleep.

At the point fisherman Roger one of my posses, flagged me down. I went to meet him, with a very sad face he told me there was a dead seal down in the rocks, smelling bad and full of flies. From far, I had seen him walking on the reefs, look at something than back off. That's when he saw me.
As I was getting closer to where he had pointed, from behind me he said "It moved!!" I looked and the cutest seal head popped up.

It was RN30 settled high in the middle of boulders, just like in an "ofuro" tub. The only thing missing was water, bc the tide was very low. I assume he made it in there at high tide. Yes they were lots of flies cause the little guy (only by size since he's a 2013 seal) had pooped and rolled in it.
Roger and his fellow fisherman had big smile on their faces as they walked away.
I had to sit down and wait for my heart get back into rhythm. Aloha
Hey Chickie you need a haircut
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