Friday, June 1, 2018

6/1/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: (part 2 ) Lesley's Ka'ena Point Update

Early this morning as I was sipping my coffee I bed, Kimo turned around and said "Hey your girl is calling" yup, we knew a swimming session between RN58 "Luana" & PO4 "Puna" was about to start or it was already under way.
As I made it down they were in the water playing around.
In the other playpen RL42 "Leia" & PO5 "Napua" were also in the water playing in the pools around the cove. "Napua" seemed to be very entertained in a little pool foraging.

Back on PO4 side I noticed a small dead turtle on the beach, I let Karen the volunteer on site know and the proper calls were made. Nikko came to retrieve it.

Karen & I headed out to the point to meet Tammy. She had been skunked and nothing changed with our arrival. On our way out we got to see several Albatross chicks testing their wings in the wind. We showed Karen around and filled her head with info. Great

Back at the playpens both pairs of seals were swimming.
We'll go down at sunset to check on them again ğŸŒº

 The hills are alive

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