Team Billand was out at the all you can eat fish buffet this morning to check in on Ka'ale RH32. Barbara noted a memory of watching his Mom R912 Nihoa and her way of eating fish, seems like her son is fierce just like her.
After the stick fish, they thought he would go rest... but no.... he continued his hunting, catching akule, they observed at least five catches. Team Billand stayed for about 3 hours and then headed out to check the other beaches.
Their next stop on a west side beach they saw a seal way out off shore, and watched as it was coming in with eyes wide open. It was Lei Ola coming in and Team Billand heard a snort or two coming from behind her. The snorting critter behind her was RN14 Kalani. The waves sucked him out and he tried going to other inlets but stayed in the shallows and then he left.
Lei Ola galumphed on the rocks and went to sleep. On their recheck in the afternoon Lei Ola remained in the shallows, hidden so well, they had a hard time seeing her.
Barbara decided to make the Ka'ena West trek and at the 40 minute mark she found RIP RR70. He was on the rocks, resting alone and the waves were rising. With the waves hitting him he finally gave up and left the area. He is looking healthy, robust, no new marks.
Melody sent word today she spent the morning at Kaimana Beach to have a small birthday breakfast with her friend Kim. They were celebrating none other than Kaimana's first birthday.
They decided to go visit the cousins at the playpen. Upon arrival they were snoozing on the beach, but then some of the waves got to Puna RK88. He started moving up the beach towards a pile of sticks, rocks and debris. ( weaners most favorite things, aside from sea cucumbers). He began to entertain himself by chewing. flipping and nudging a large stick. This provided lots of entertainment for Melody and Kim and Melody captured some of it for the rest of us to enjoy.
Napua mostly was in snooze mode at the other end of the beach. She moved up due to the tide moving in, but not much play time for her except a couple of roll overs and twitches.
This kid just cracks me up. Thank you Team Billand for the updates
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