Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Yesterday's News: Lesley's Ka'ena Update

I didn't have time to send a report in yesterday. The weather was unstable so I only made it till 10 Mnts Beach. I did check several times on Moms & Pups during the day.
Today I made it to the point to be skunked by seals. Where are they ???
The albatross chicks were hunkered down and all was quiet and they were very few visitors.
I checked on moms & pups a couple of times
RN58 "Luana" & PO4 "Puna D38 and RL42 "Leia" & PO5 "Napua" D32 were sleeping everytime I went by. Although they were in different position on their beaches, I just missed their swimming sessions. Aloha ğŸŒº
Albatross chickie is changing 

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