Here is a little factoid worth noting. Technically, Kaiwi is a 4 year old, and therefore a Subadult female, BUT, does giving birth qualify her to become an actual Adult ??? That is the kind of thing running around in this bald guy’s mind so I asked my Sensei, Tracy. Yep........ she are a Woman !!!
At 1218 I found Kolohe (RW22) on the flats at Lanai Lookout.
Team Billand checked in initially at 0812 with the report of a foraging animal off shore of Makua Cliffs. They would confirm the RL42 by N20 bleach. At 0911 they reported her hauled out to Makau Cliffs.
To my total surprise I got ValMail this afternoon from the outback of some place called Minnesota. She had spent the day with the 5 Hawaiian Monk Seals they have at the Minnesota Zoo. During the presentation she chanced to see Team Billand & Tony Q., on the big screen, at White Plains !!
Kekoa and Nani
Nani, Kekoa and RM38
Kaiwi and PO4
so tiny!
flipper hugs
whisker kisses
Nihoa and PO3 (a little shake and bake)
all washed off
Team Billand and Tony Q on the big screen at the Minnesota Zoo
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