At 1320 I found Buster (RV08) at Lanai Lookout Cove.
Team Billand checked in at 0606 with a report of an animal at Paradise Cove. When they arrived at 0626 they found the Benny (RE74). He would depart at 1045.
Tonight's dailies are short and sweet.......
not one.... or two but THREE tags for this boy
Benny at Paradise Cove
wonder once he molts if he will lose that big belly patch
Thanks To Miss Nancy for finding Benny with Port at 6am. We had gotten a call from Security of a seal on shore. THe seal was near the footpath, so I quickly called Nancy for her help.
We then roped and signed off DA BENNY RE74 who was close to the tree all the locals like to sit by. I made an informational sign to educate folks about the Benny.
You can see his trans patch, his patch on his butt, and the famous shaved belly still.
Warren and also Zuly came to help with the watch...we never left, we dont got many seals to protect no more..so, we stayed.
Benny was our very first seal to protect back in 07, so we have a pretty good bond with him. I studied him, looking at all his marks on his 12 year old body. He got alot of scars on his face, his under belly and now all his scars from surgery.
I thought of all his buddies he once knew over the years. We watched him fight yearly with Kermit and Rip at Plains alot. I wondered if he missed his flame..Irma? He and Kermit fought for her every year.
If he misses M and M, 2AW, R018, Lona, Max, and Now, Kaikaina over on the north shore where he started going. And if he knew about little RN36, from the Reef...also gone now.
Kerby his seal bud who he showed the way to Kaena Pt, back in 2008 of Oct, during our seal count. Kerby went missing, everyone thought, for sure he was DEAD. But that Oct morning, ROb and I did the Kaena Pt count. Three seals were in the water..Benny, Kaena who was Molting and a little seal so cute following Benny. Long story short, WE DISCOVERED IT WAS KERBY RW08, THE MISSING PUP from Ewa Girl. What a thrill and a memory that day was for us. I couldnt barely wait to tell DB and NOAA.
Yes Ewa girl too is gone for almost two years, Benny dated her as well. She was the ROYAL SEAL FROM MIDWAY.
By 10:35am, Benny started stretching, yawning, flipped over, looked at all the people WATCHING HIM, he slowly galumphed to the waters edge, looked at everyone once more, then gently left the lagoon. I wished him a safe journey and hoped to find him again and again. We never know what will happen in a day lately.
So long Mr Benny, seal ya soon.
Thanks Zuly for coming out as Benny left KoOlina. But at least ya got some photos before he left the area.
I have been following the blog since July 2012. I hope with all my heart all the missing ones from Oahu have found a place where no one bothers them, and they are all safe.
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