At 0650 on my first look at Hanauma Bay, I saw an animal out on the left side rock flats, from the overview. When I got down there at 0658 (thank you trolley !!) I found Buster (RV08). On an afternoon recheck at 1330 I found that he was gone. Nobody had any info on his departure.
At 0930 I found Kolohe (RW22) in the Morning Glory, 100 ft left of 1BS on Rabbit Island. He would move down to cool off at 0952. His D#2 molt is 5%. He would be the only RI animal today.

Lesley called at 0700 to advise that she had seen RW02 at the water line, getting ready to enter the water. He was gone when she got down there. Lesley checked in again at 1653 to advise that he was still not there. Could be he is getting back to the ol’ routine after his molt. Only RW02 knows.
Team Billand checked in at 0658 advising that Linda had called them about an animal at Lagoon#3, KoOlina. The animal had reportedly been there since 2000 last night. He was gone when the Billands arrived, but Linda described Benny.

When I got to Makai Pier at 0850, Sea Engineering posse member Brandi Murr excitedly told me the she had seen a Monk Seal at the Mokes yesterday on a Kayaking adventure. Her photos are inconclusive, so a U/F is required, but I’ve got a cat on Right Spot, by the sleek figure, old coat, and possible hind flipper notch, but ????

At 0834 Team Billand found Pohaku (RO28) at Palm Grove, Campbell Industrial Park.
They would check in again at 1316 with the report of RL42 at Makua Cliffs.
There was a report last night about an animal at Kaimana, and a Colleen mail report confirming an animal, at 2200, but no ID was possible in the dark. There was on further news today, so I’m assuming that she had departed but ???
u/f on Moku Nui on Sunday 11/15
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