Lesley checked in at 0732 to advise that RW02 was at his same location this morning. His molt continues.
In the Yesterday’s News department Dennis Pettigrew sent photos yesteday of an animal he encountered on the beach, fronting the “Himalaya’s” surf spot on the North Shore. It required an evening and a morning of research, and teaming up with Tracy to finally confirm an ID. It turned out to be Nihoa (R912).

Jon Gelman sent shots from Turtle Bay today. Holokai (RG40) was just east of the Keiki Pond, and what must be carried as an U/F was near Marconi Rd. He thought it might be Right Spot, and it may well be but based solely on the photos that can not be confirmed.
Diane Gabriel checked in from Turtle Bay at 1812. She advised that the Marconi animal was gone when she checked. Holokai remained, and she & Karen Turner also found another animal closer to the hotel. She saw a tag but it was unreadable in the failing light. The photos arrived at 2000. I’m happy to report that it was RK36. He is ready to start his molt.
Melina Clark emailed her shots of Pohaku (RO28) at Depot’s in Nanakuli. They spent quality time together. Thank you Melina,
yesterday's news Nihoa
Today's News Kaiwi on Rabbit Island
U/F unidentified female
Pohaku at Depots
got himself tangled up in some driftwood
bye bye
RK36 at Turtle Bay
where he'll molt no one knows... but it will be soon
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