Team Billand checked in at 0651 with an overnighted Benny (RE74) at White Plains. Mahalos to Warren, Zuly & Luke. It appears that Benny is going to do another overnighter.

In the Yesterday’s News Department, Our Pal ValMail, from Kauai brought the latest word on a the whereabouts of Squinty (R330). He is a regular to those hearty souls who venture to Ka’ena Point. He had last been seen on Oahu on 9-5-15, and was documented back on Kauai on 10-2-15. That was the last word until Val’s report of R330 in the company of a young female RF30, and young male RN30 yesterday on Kauai. Thank You Val..... Ya’ Done Good !!
Benny- big yawn
some stretches
ahhhh phooey !
Right Spot going through her molt on the mokes....
at least with this weather the mokes aren't overrun with people.... but I am sure there were plenty folks out there
The 30 SOMETHING CLUB - R330 - RN30 and RF30
R330 aka Squinty
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