At 0711 I found a 10% molted Kolohe (RW22) snoozin’ in the Morning Glory, 80 ft left of 1BS, and Kimo Kai (RT12), also in the MG, 20 ft left of 1BS.
Kimo Kai would move down at 0900, and at 0927 would be joined by Kainoa (RN04). Both would enter the water together at 0930. Kolohe would follow them at 0932. Kolohe would haul out to the left rock flats at 0955, where he remained the rest of the day.

The highlight of the day came at 1220 when a fisherman posse member called to advise that a Fedex delivery lady on the pier had just told him that she had seen two seals swim under the pier. As we were talking said Fedex lady joined me on the Lanai. As she was relating her tale I looked below us to see two animals just off the breakwater. They would play and forage there for 20 minutes, gradually moving further out, toward Rabbit Island. Though I can’t prove a thing , there is zero doubt in my mind that it was Kimo Kai & Kainoa, by relative size and color. On 11-12-15 they had also appeared at the pier and were reported by Sea Engineering personnel. I had seen them shortly thereafter between the pier and Kaupo Beach Park.

Lesley called at 0736 to advise that she just missed RW02 near the estate. A fresh trail was all that greeted her.
I’ve been checking Instagram for a few weeks now. I’ve found it minimally valuable tool in getting ID info for animals seen ,but not necessarily reported. The drawback to the site is that you are subjected to things like these attached photos. Sad !
kimo kai and kainoa
kimo kai
kolohe, kimo kai and kainoa
two different u/u and two different .... well you be the judge
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