My first pass through the quadrant was a bust, and when I got back to Makai Pier it was still a bust, however at 0918 the cast hauled out. Kaiwi (RK96) & Kainoa (RN04) hauled out together at 3BS on Rabbit Island. They would enter the water together at 1057, and haul out together again at mid Middle Cliff, at 1142, where they snoozed away the rest of the day.
Despite many a mile covering the SE quadrant, by both Gayle and myself, that would be the cast for today.

At 0638 Team Billand called with the report of Pohaku (RO28) at Nanakuli Beach Park (D#25). They reported her departure at 0804, her haul out to Depot’s at 0900,and her 2nd departure at 1204. Life guards said she tried to haul out at 1300, but the adoring hordes would not allow it.
Lesley checked in from the End of the World at 1042. She reported finding Luana (RN58) at Hidden Beach, and RIP (RR70) & little brother Ka’ena (RO40) at Ka’ena Point.
Kaiwi and Kainoa
looks like she was having fun at the shorebreak
or maybe she was drunk.
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On Day 25, Pohaku was found at Nanakuli Beach Park...6:30am.
We put the signs out, no ropes, and our sticks that is found on shore.
We sat with her, educate anyone showing up. It was nice break from Depots.
Well, 8:06am, Miss pohaku slithered, shuffled down to the waters edge. Oh cooling off I thought. NOPE....
Miss Pohaku left site, going west. Ok, Rob and I took the signs and sticks zone down.We took our time, to give Miss Pohaku time to get to DEPOTS.
Drove over Depots, there she was, like she been there all along. Dam, Back to Depots for day 25!!!!
Again, we put the signs out, sticks were used too. Ok, all set, to keep a watch on her. I did call for help, BUT NOT ONE PERSON CAME AGAIN. It was much slower day, but, there were people there to keep watch on as always.
Hour after hour went by, no one came. WHY????
We are roasting out there, on day 25.
Talked to some beach goers, they asked, are there other people to help you guys??? Should be, but, we just come on our own for 25 days now. YEAH we see that. How come?? Its the way it is.
I love Pohaku, I see what she goes through, I can not leave her alone. SO...we stay from early morning to: Oh Oh, she moves, she gets hit, many times by the sets coming in. She is flipped over, she struggles to get back up and she doesnt make it.
Pohaku tosses her hind flippers out and in the air. Too bad, Lady Ocean WINS...she is sucked out to sea. We watch which DIRECTION...Ok, going east...think she is going to Nanakuli Beach Park. We gather signs and sticks once again. Man that sand is HOTTER THAN EVER..burning my feet.
Get to the car, guzzle water, MMMMM, cold water. REFRESHING.
Ok, drive over to Nanakuli Beach Park...NOPE Pohaku is not there. I use the binocs to see, is she coming???? I notice my feet are burning hot again.
The Lifeguard sees me, comes over. Oh we havent seen your seal today...OH no, she WAS HERE AT 6:30 am. Oh really??? Yep..she relocated to DEPOTS. BUT she left again, heading this way, thats why I'm here looking for her.
The lifeguard says to me, OH that poor seal came Nanakuli Beach Park four times YESTERDAY, in the afternoon and NO ONE WOULD LEAVE HER ALONE. We tried to educate those people, who wouldnt listen and she kept going, coming back. WHAT I said, no one called.
Ok, so I gather the sticks, leave em in a safe spot for tomorrow, JUST IN CASE we need them.
Off we went...no seal to watch...now we can go to our APPOINTMENT. Man, its really hot and uncomfortable. So long Pohaku, we will be out looking for you...TOMORROW.
Safe Journey Great seal...Pohaku. Maybe we can get someone to help us out tomorrow...flippers crossed.
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