I got back to Makai Pier at 0845, and the cast remained the same, however at 0916 the U/M from yesterday, and Kainoa (RN04) hauled out 60 ft right of 3BS. Both remained all day. I was still not able to get an ID on this guy, but I did confirm 2 red tags.

I returned to Makai Pier. At 1246 on a pan I found Aukai (RL12) on the water front rocks of Rocky Right Beach. She would later haul out to join Kaiwi at Seal Rock Inlet.
Team Billand called at 0627 with the report of Pohaku (RO28) once again at Depot’s , Nanakuli. Mahalos to KellY, Terri & Ralph for being there ! Ralph reported Pohaku’s departure at 1730.
At 1248 the Billands found Kimo Kai (RT12) at Ranches, on the west side.
At 1309 they reported RL42, once again at Makua Cliffs.
The usual Saturday KP trek by Marilyn & Lesley was canceled on account of rain, but the 3rd member of the crew, Ken Tingman did make the trek, slogging thru the mud & misery. He found Luana (RN58) at Hidden Beach on his way in. A Ken after action report to Marilyn advised that he had found Ka’ena (RO40) at the point, and when he got back to Hidden Beach on the way out, he found that RW02 had joined Luana . Thank you Ken !!!
A 1607 email from the Billands advised that “Dada” had reported 2 seals in Ewa Beach. We’ve been lookin’ for Rocky & Buster all day, with no luck. Could it be ????????? Team Billand confirmed Rocky (RH58) & Buster (RV08) at 186i, Ewa Beach.
Kaiwi and Aukai
UM and Kainoa
It's a fish... it has scales... (and a missing head)
on approach.... i could kind of see how someone MIGHT make a mistake....
but a fish... a big dead fish
she's look good....
although it's time to move on now darling... go find a different resting spot.
Kimo Kai
Buster with love sick eyes
Buster hanging out with Rocky
Miss Rocky... snoozing away....
1 comment:
Many thanks to Kelly, Terri and Ralph for the time taken in watching out for Pohaku.
You'll never know how much you are all appreciated for the help at Depots.
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