I did a quick pass through some of the quadrant at 0630, to check for critters and assess the tidal wave situation. I found no critters and very little evidence of tidal problems. The rest of my morning was spent becoming a new Subaru owner. Thank you to Gayle and Cate for passes through the quadrant. They were skunked, as I had been.

I finally got to Makai Pier at 1222. I found the same U/M I’ve been talking about, this time at the far left end of the beach. I also found Kaiwi (RK96) on the water front rocks 60 ft left of Seal Rock Inlet. The U/M would relocated to join her at 1305. His molt is 30%.
On a pan at 1313 I found what would prove to be Kea (RN46) at Right Middle Cliff on RI. His mysterious mission lasted 10 days this time. Welcome Home !

Team Billand checked in at 0645 with the report of Pohaku (RO28) at Depot’s, Nanakuli. Mahalos to Melina & Sarah, for being there !
The Billands found nobody at the Reef Runway in the morning, but at 1317 RR Security posse member , Wendell advised the Billands that he had see a large U/U.

Emails from DOFAW posse member Amarisa Marie, forwarding a Twogood Kayaks photo, and a bit later from THE Donna, forwarding shots of probably the same animal , confirmed an animal on Moku Nui today. Unfortunately, I must cop out with an U/U at this point, but I still workin’ on it. Anyone recognizing that scar over the left eye, say something !
A Team Billand text at 1713 advised that they were responding to a call about an animal at Iroquois Point. At 1810 they oonfirmed the IRQ animal as Rocky (RH58). They reported her departure at 1840.
UU on Mokulua Islands... (nice shot by Dan Casler)
little fat head Holokai.... what a chubster
Pohaku at Nanakuli
Rocky at Iroquois Point
looks like she's in a nest
a dirty messy nest
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