At 0652 I found Kekoa (RK72)&Kea (RN46) together up in the Morning Glory fronting 3BS. The would later move down, and do a swim session from 0853 until 0936 when Kea hauled out again to 3BS, with Kekoa joining him again at 1009. They would remain all day.
On a pan at 0921 I found what would prove to be Cass (RG06) just moving down from a hiding place in the Morning Glory behind Seal Rock Inlet. She too would remain all day.

Team Billand checked in at 0811 to advise that they had found Pohaku (RO28) foraging at Lagoon#2 , KoOlina.
Their next call at 0941 advised that Pohaku had hauled out to Paradise Cove. Per Terri, Pohaku departed at 1757.
A DanaTxt at 1156 advised of Ua Malie (RT10), Ola (RG03), and Holokai (RG40), once again at separate locations at Turtle Bay.

The Billands called at 1256 to advise that they had gotten a call reporting an animal at the fence line, White Plains. They were on their way to an appointment and could not take the call. Awaiting further word. Team Billand reported that according to Lifeguard, Marvin the animal stayed briefly. He also said that it had a patch, like burlap, on his back. Sounds like the Benny to me.
DanaMail at 1453 advised of an animal at Rock Piles, near the Hilton Hawaiian Village . Diane Gabriel checked in from that location at 1528 to confirm an animal. Positioning made an ID difficult, but a bystander stated that it had an “NH” on the side. That definitely says Rocky and her N11 bleach to me. Diane confirmed the Rocky (RH58) ID at 1538. Colleen advises that Rocky remains at dark.

Surfer posse member Dave Martin called at 1648 with the report of a brown/green animal between the showers and the middle overlook. When I got the report I of course called Colleen, however she was just pulling in to the Rocky location. Being the awesome volunteer that she is Colleen called her nephew, Maverick Carey, and he went down to put up signs, and also confirmed a tag of RV39, which is Buster (RV08).
Kekoa and Kea
Rocky RH58 in need of a new coat
Pohaku at Paradise Cove
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