At 0803 an U/M would haul out to join them. He and Kea entered the water, and Kaiwi remained. She would enter the water at 0818, and haul out to 3BS at 0827, where she remained the rest of the day.
At 0850 the same U/M would haul out to join Kaiwi at 3BS, but would leave again and return to 1BS where he would remain the rest of the day. I was never able to confirm an ID on the adult male , with an old coat.

At 1040 Cass (RG06) would haul out to mid Middle Cliff. At 1305 Kea would haul out to join. They would enter the water at 1308 and do a play/swim session, hauling out to 3BS at 1354. Kea went back and forth between Cass and Kaiwi, finally ending up snoozin’ away the rest of the afternoon beside Cass.
At 1411 Dana called, followed closely by a Sandy Beach Lifeguard call , both reporting an animal at the east end of Sandy Beach. When I arrived ate 1429 I found Kolohe (RW22) at Crappy Cove, Sandy Beach. I cordoned him off, but monster surf immediately claimed 2 signs, and 1 cone.... Bummer !! After some modification, the cordon did it’s job, and the adoring hordes were kept at bay. Thanks to Gayle and Marilyn. Kolohe departed at 1723.

At 0854 a DanaTxt reported an animal at Kaimana Beach. I know Colleen & Melanie were involved with Rocky (RH58). If there were others.... Thank You. Melanie reported Rocky’s departure at 1257. She got there just as Rocky was leaving, and nobody else got shots. Melanie went next door to the Aquarium to say Hi! To KP2.
At 0946 the Billands advised that they had responded to the report of an animal at Lagoon #2, KoOlina. The animal was gone on arrival. A shot provided by Jessica Park was inconclusive.
A DanaTxt at 1411 advised that Ua Malie (RT10)&Holokai (RG40) were both at the Keiki Pool , Turtle Bay.
Kaiwi and UM
Kea Kaiwi and Cass
Pohaku in Nanakuli what starts off as restful
doesn't stay that way
a young UU at KoOlina
KP2 at the aquarium
Good ole rocky at Kaimana
1 comment:
Many thanks to those troops who came out to help yesterday at Depots. Jean who I love talking with, Jan and Willie, sorry we did not see you guys.
And my Warrior Terri who spent the last of the day with us, getting folks back of the seal. NOT AN EASY THING TO DO..but Terri and I worked hard with TRYING to EDUCATE the kids that came by.
One kid, no more than six, swore at Pohaku, and then he swore at ME. I mean, SWORE AT ME. I went up to him, tried to reason with him. It didnt matter. BAH. He then threw sand at Pohaku, FOR WHAT?????? WHY?????
Its funny people there went around the signs and sticks we set up, but they boogied in FRONT OF THE SEAL entire time. THE WAVES SHOVING EVERYONE RIGHT UP TO SEAL...TSK. TSK.
In the end a man who was drinking all day, came to swim...and then he yelled the entire 20 min, HELP, I AM DROWING, I CANT BREATH...no one helped him of course, BIG JOKE to him. Well, Miss Pohaku began galumphing down..looking at this man..yelling.
She then looked at us, like thanking us for the help to protect her, looked at Lady Ocean, sped off into the sea. She was magnificent..she headed straight out. THE MAN GOT OUT OF THE WATER...never said a word and then he and his group, LEFT. NO seal to harass now.
Pohaku...after 23 days here at Depots, left. Will she be back again for day 24??? We will see in a few minutes...again, thanks to all the volunteers who came out on a three day weekend. All of you are appreciated!!!!!!!!
TO POHAKU, I love you kid, but ya need to move out of DEPOTS...Far from this place, PLEASE.
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