The highlight of the day began with a call ate 0939 from Gayle reporting Kaiwi (RK96) for the 11th consecutive day at China Walls. When she later looked at her shots, she noted that molting was definitely underway. Our looks at Kaiwi over the last several days have been somewhat limited but the 11 consecutive days was a hint. The girl is definitely molting. Thank You Gayle !!!

At 1049 Nani (RK60) hauled out, 40 ft left of 1BS. She remained the rest of the day, despite having people checking her out of just off shore. She was very much aware of them. The female actually put her surf ski on the rocks, but did not walk onto the island. A passing fishing boat advised them to get the ski off the island, which they immediately did.

At 0625 Team Billand reported Pohaku (RO28) at Nanakuli. At 0925 I got a call from Ocean Safety, reporting and animal at the Makaha Cabanas Condos. The Billands confirmed the Kimo Kai (RT12) ID.
Jon Gelman email report a visit to the Keiki Pond but mama Ua’ Malie, and a brief encounter between Ua’ and weaner Holokai. I got the warm fuzzies all over !!! Karen Turner also sent Holokai shot after Ua’ departed.
Email from our pal Val brought news and shots of the long lost KC (RK28). Last seen at the Marine Base in Kaneohe on 6-16-15. She is happy and well on Kauai, and looks to be the usual mess.
Posse member Vicki Hangai texted that “E40" was at Crappy Cove, Sandy Beach, at 1840. When I arrived I confirmed the Benny (RE74) ID. He remains at dark.
a little too close for comfort
Glad these guys were able to get them moving
Kaiwi molting.... good cuz i was thinking she was looking pretty tattered.
Kimo Kai
Pohaku in pieces
almost there
okay don't you just want to peel that off her !! the ocean will take care of it i know...
Holokai and Ua reunited.... very sweet....
did you see that ...? that was my momma !!
ummm what a minute.... where did momma go?
Ua Malie
Benny at Sandy's
Resting up before he heads off looking for some chicks
KC hanging out with our Kauai Ohana ....
cooling off in the water
if i didn't know better i would say she was howling at the moon
Hi Blog Lady,
The photo of KC "howling" was taken at the spot where her pup was killed last year. Made me wonder what she remembers. She just checked the beach and moved on. It kinda hurt my heart.
Oh my gosh, the scene where KC is howling, I told Rob, she looks like she is mourning.
Maybe she feels the loss of her pup.
I feel for her, god keep her. Too bad for the tragic loss of her baby from the wild dogs.
Beautiful shot val, of a really heartfelt MOMENT. Who knows if they do have feelings and a memory of the loss. Animals feel too.
May she find happy times ahead...she seems to have so many scars, who knows what that poor female been through. I worry for her.
I wish, I could make her feel better....PRAYERS KC. Sorry.
I just realized, I know nothing much of KC. I know she had Kolohe in 2008 at Mokuliea.
How old is she? Where did she come from? How many pups were hers?
What is that large scar under her belly?
Can anyone tell us????
Thanks Val.... breaks my heart to think about the loss.... and we will never know the depth of these animals feelings....
Barb as far as KC our Seal Whisperer is best to answer... what I do know KC originally stood for Kaaawa Critter because she would frequent the area.... she spent a lot of time at Marine Corp Base in Kaneohe, as well as hitting the Mokulua islands off Lanikai.... I first met her in 2008 at MCBH... it was the first time I ever saw cookie cutter shark scars... I honestly thought she has been shot....
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