Also at 0735 I found Aukai (RL12), 50 ft right of 3BS, and Kainoa (RN04) , 40 ft left of 1BS. Aukai remained at her location all day. Kainoa would relocate to the Left Rock Flats in the afternoon.

At 0715 Team Billand advised that a Dana call had reported 2 animals at Depots, Nanakuli. Robert confirmed the Benny (RE74) & Pohaku (RO28) ID at 0831. Per the Billands they were still there at 1404.

At 1322 Team Billand reported RL42 at Makua Cliffs. Marilyn & Lesley trudged to the End of the World for the usual Saturday search. Marilyn reported finding Squinty (R330), RW02 & Ka’ena (RO40) at Ka’ena Point. RW02 appears to have superficial wound around his mouth, probably from all the battling that has been going on amongst the boyz of late, and R330's left mid body wound appears to have a piece of tissue, or more likely a piece of shell or coral sticking out of the wound.
Both Karen Turner and Diane Gabriel sent Holokai (RG40) shots from their respective shifts.
Kea and Nani
R330 little wound on the back
Pokahu and Benny
Holokai Weaner !!! RG40
catching flies? fly fishing?
typical weaner pose.... typical weaner rolls
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